About company
«DAMU Research Group» Agency is an independent research company and official member of "ESOMAR" (European Society for Opinion Surveys and Marketing Researches). The Company was established in March, 2005 by a group of experienced Kazakhstani researchers. Since its inception “DAMU RG” offers both quantitative and qualitative and mixed methods of marketing research, also possesses the capacity to conduct different types of sociological research.
The Agency of marketing and sociological research «DAMU Research Group» is certified by the Standards of Quality Management CT-RK-ISO 9001-2009.
The Research Agency “DAMU Research Group” has its own regional network, and possibility to conduct a field work in all cities and settlements of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Besides the territory of Kazakhstan the agency of marketing and sociological researches "DAMU Research Group" can organize a high-grade field works through the regional partners in the neighboring Central Asian republics - Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan. “DAMU” agency has the possibility to organize research works through the regular partners in the next regions of Russian Federation.
The field network comprises 25 regional supervisors, more than 500 interviewers. Interviewers have passed compulsory general training after admission and specific training on each project in which they participated. All supervisors and interviewers have good qualifications, and participate in marketing and sociological researches (qualitative and / or quantitative) for about 10 years. The multi-level control of data collection and subsequent work with the data is an integral component of all projects, allowing clients to ensure high reliability of the conducted field researches.
Our clients are large international as well as Kazakhstan companies. Our customers are also advertising and PR-agencies, state structures, public and trade organizations..
Tilda Publishing
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